Azure Healthcare Limited (the Company) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Clayton Astles as the company’s new Chief Executive Officer.
Company founder Mr Robert Grey has decided to step aside from the CEO role as the company gradually repositions its core operational activities to North America and will assist Mr Astles with a hand over in the coming months. Mr Grey is still a significant shareholder in Azure Healthcare and remains a director of the Company.
Based in Texas, Mr Astles has worked with Azure for the last 7 years and is currently the President of Azure Healthcare’s main operating subsidiary Austco. He has helped build the group’s reputation as a leader in the nurse call and clinical software solutions market in the United States and has been instrumental in the establishment of a Software Development Centre and manufacturing facility in Dallas, which will be responsible for developing the Company’s next generation products.
Mr Astles, who has over 12 years leadership experience in the healthcare technology industry and holds a diploma in Electronics Engineering, joined Austco in April 2008 as Sales Manager and held the positions of Vice-President and President of Austco’s Canadian business. Since his arrival he has led a successful direct sales and channel sales organisation across North America.
“I am delighted to announce Clayton’s appointment to the Azure Board and as Chief Executive Officer, which will be another key step in the Company’s evolution from an Australian-based organisation to a global player. His selection makes enormous sense, given his strong industry experience and substantial knowledge of the Company’s North American operations,” said Azure Healthcare’s Non Executive Chairman, Mr Greg Lewis. “I would also like to thank Robert for his tireless efforts over time as the Company’s Founder and during the early development of the design and development of Azure Healthcare’s software and hardware systems and in spearheading the group’s growth in Australia and overseas. Robert is a great supporter of the Company and will continue to provide invaluable input as a director on the Board.”
About Azure Healthcare Limited (ASX:AZV)
Azure Healthcare Limited is an international provider of healthcare communication and clinical workflow management solutions. The company is headquartered in Australia, has subsidiaries in six countries and supports more than 8,500 healthcare facilities through our global reseller network which includes growing markets in health, aged care and remand care. Azure Healthcare services markets including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, USA, Asia and the Middle East. For further information please refer to the Company’s website
For further information please contact:
Mr Greg Lewis
Non Executive Chairman
Telephone: +614 0930 2108
Mr Jason D’Arcy
Company Secretary
Telephone: +614 1767 7732