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By 28 April, 2014July 13th, 2023ASX Announcements

Indicative, Conditional, Non-binding Proposal received.

Azure Healthcare Limited (Azure: ASX: AZV) advises that it has received a preliminary, incomplete,
indicative, conditional and non-binding proposal to acquire all of the issued capital of Azure pursuant
to either a scheme of arrangement or off market takeover which is required to be unanimously
recommended by the Azure Board (Proposal).

The Azure Board sought a trading halt to consider the Proposal and provide for further discussions
between the parties. Azure has allowed the party to commence due diligence and such due diligence
is ongoing. There is no certainty at the moment that a transaction will occur and as such the Azure
Board recommends that its shareholders take no action. At this stage, Azure is not in a position to
identify the party who submitted the Proposal.

Azure advises that, as the discussions regarding the Proposal are preliminary, it is not possible to
form a view as to the certainty of the Proposal or the prospects of any transaction occurring in relation
to the acquisition of Azure.
At this time the Azure shareholders do not need to take any action in relation to the Proposal.

For further information please contact:
Mr Robert Grey
Telephone: +614 1135 1938

Mr Jason D’Arcy
Company Secretary
Telephone: +614 1767 7732