Azure Healthcare Limited (Azure: ASX: AZV) wishes to advise that further to our announcement of 28 April 2014 regarding the unsolicited, non-binding conditional proposal to acquire all of the issued share capital of Azure, that parties failed to reach agreement and discussions were terminated. The Azure Board are pleased this is resolved and Azure can once again return to executing its successful growth strategy.
Results show that the company is in a very strong position, with Austco Communication Systems Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Azure, currently rolling out several large projects and an increasing number of healthcare solutions across all operating divisions, with USD$5 Million in secured orders across North America alone.
Robert Grey, Chairman of Azure Healthcare commented, “The business is growing rapidly and is very well positioned to continue into clinical workflow solutions, particularly in the USA. We are well placed to execute our strategic plan and have the existing and necessary resources to grow the business”.
For further information please contact:
Mr Robert Grey
Telephone: +614 1135 1938
Mr Jason D’Arcy
Company Secretary
Telephone: +614 1767 7732