5th April 2017
- Order received for AUD $0.65 million for Austco’s state of the art Nurse call system
- Staff Presence solution will be used to improve staff efficiency and patient care
- Bi-Directional audio will streamline communication between patients and nursing staff
- Anti-bacterial handsets will provide television and lighting controls
Wednesday, 5 April 2017 – Melbourne – Azure Healthcare Limited (ASX:AZV) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore has received an AUD $0.65 million purchase order for the supply of Austco’s state‐of‐the‐art technology for a 700 bed hospital in Saudi Arabia. System installation and commissioning is expected to be completed in 2017.
Critical messages, including medical emergency notifications, will be sent to more than 100 programmable corridor displays and duty stations installed throughout the facility to ensure staff are immediately notified of critical alarms.
Austco’s anti-‐bacterial ergonomic handsets with customized controls will be installed at each bedside, giving patients the ability to control televisions and room lights from their bed.
Two-‐way audio between patients and nurses will link patients to all healthcare personnel in real-‐time, helping improve workflow and drive efficiencies while reducing risks and costs.
For further information:
Mr Jason D’Arcy Company Secretary
Telephone: +61 417 677 732
Email: jason.darcy@azurehealthcare.com.au
About Azure Healthcare Limited (ASX Code: AZV):
Azure Healthcare Limited is an international provider of healthcare communication and clinical workflow management solutions. The company is headquartered in Australia, has subsidiaries in six countries and supports healthcare facilities through our global reseller network which includes growing markets in health, aged and acute care. Azure Healthcare services markets including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, USA, Asia and the Middle East. For further information please refer to the Company’s website www.azurehealtchare.com.au
About Austco:
Austco is a worldwide provider of IP Nurse Call Solutions with over 27 years experience in the healthcare market, across 4,500+ sites, in over 60 countries. With products designed to comply with global healthcare standards, the Austco team is fully committed to providing quality products and global support services to all our clients. Our flexibility to integrate into various technologies enables a healthcare facility to continue to drive efficienci s to achieve an overall quality healthcare solution. For further information please refer to the
Company’s website: www.austco.com